Answer in 3 sentences :

  1. To tie a basic overhand knot, hold one end of a rope or string in each hand, then cross the right end over the left end and pass it under, forming a loop.
  2. Next, tuck the right end through the loop and pull both ends tightly.
  3. This creates a simple knot that is useful for various purposes.

Longer Answer :

Step 1: Cross the Ends

To begin, you’ll need a piece of rope or string. Hold one end of the rope in each hand, then cross the right end over the left end and pass it under, forming a loop. This is the foundation of your knot and is an essential step in ensuring it holds tight.

Step 2: Tuck and Pull

After you have crossed the ends and created a loop, the next step is to tuck the right end through the loop. Now, pull both ends tightly. It’s important to pull firmly to make sure the knot is secure.

Step 3: The Finished Knot

Congratulations! You’ve created a simple overhand knot. This knot is versatile and useful for various purposes, such as tying your shoes, securing a package, or as a basis for more complex knots.

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